Technology & Kung Fu
The cyborg is a science fiction concept; combining human anatomy with technology to achieve feats beyond what a human can do. In a sense, Chow's figures are cyborgs. The actors perform impressive kung-fu techniques, but Chow uses CGI in post-production to transform their moves into a superhuman display. Mamoru Oshii's film Ghost in the Shell (1995) reckons with the philosophical implications of the cyborg as well, questioning whether it is ethical to create a fighting machine that can be manipulated like a computer. Should a fighting machine be allowed to have human decision-making skills? What if Sing in Kung Fu Hustle used his strength to join the Axe Gang, like Anakin Skywalker joining the dark side in Revenge of the Sith? In Kung Fu Hustle, Chow uses this trope for a humanist argument; the idea that one person can, through self-discipline and agency, achieve their "best self". Kung Fu Hustle also carries out a political statement through this trope. The Axe...